As 2013 draws to a close, that’s right there have less than 3 months left of the year 2013, let’s take a look at some of the Web Design trends of the year. Responsive Design, Metro, Minimalism, Typography, Parallax Scrolling, Infinite Scrolling, Fixed Headers, Single Page Websites, Large Image Backgrounds and Content First, these where the buzzwords of this year, but the question is, which of these trends will be dated next year and which will stand the test of time?
Take a look at the infographic below, it gives a nice breakdown of these trends with a visual example and a brief description:
Source: Enfuzed
Trends for 2014
Flat Design
A trend not mentioned in this infographic is Flat Design (most likely because it is very similar to Metro), this is quite a new trend and I think it will see the height of its popularity next year. Throughout this year Flat Design has been gaining popularity, seeing giants like Apple, Google, Microsoft and Facebook adopt it.
Responsive Design
I have already expressed my views on Responsive Design on multiple occasions, I feel it is the way forward in catering for Mobile devices. I don’t think it is simply a trend, as mentioned in the infographic it is a trend that has been carried over from 2012, and I believe it will be around long past 2014.
Infinite Scrolling
Infinite Scrolling, in my opinion, makes a lot of sense from a user experience point of view, so by that virtue alone, I think it will be around for some time after 2013.
And The Rest?
As for the rest of the trends mentioned in the above infographic, who knows, they may be the “flavour of the month” so to speak and fade into obscurity or it may last for a long time, only time will tell.
Share your thoughts on Web Design trends with us. What do think will be the trends in the new year? Which of these trends do you think will stand the test of time?
Tags: Infographic, Responsive Design, Website Design