The Ultimate Social Media Size Cheat Sheet
Posted by Willem Louw under Social Media
Whenever I need to design something for a Social Media platform, I always find myself reaching for Google and typing in the relevant search phrase, something like, “Google+ Cover Image size” and although this always gives me the answer I need, it’s not always the quickest way to get things done. In addition, there is bound to be a fair amount of incorrect information out there. That is why this new, up-to-date, Social Media cheat sheet is something that every designer should keep handy. This […]
One second of the internet
Posted by Willem Louw under Online Tools, Social Media
One second of the internet is a interesting site. This page simply presents its users with large, plain text, stating “In one second on the Internet there are…” and a arrow pointing downwards. Once you start scrolling, there are counters for everything from Twitter and Facebook to YouTube and Dropbox. These counters display the number of tweets, likes, videos watched and files uploaded since the site was loaded, there is also a counter at the top of the page displaying how many seconds the pages […]
What Happens on the Internet in 60 Seconds?
Posted by Justin Atkins under Social Media
Have you ever wondered just what happens across the globe in 60 seconds of internet time? Well, if you have then this video below could be just what you have been searching (or is that Google searching) for. The sending and receiving of emails, Google searches, tweets, Facebook likes, Instagram uploads, Amazon purchases, video viewing, and so much more all happens on a continues basis every day. Rather impressive for a tool that was not part of everyday life just over a decade ago…