Work Smarter With This Nifty Screenshot Tool
Posted by Carola van Zyl under Online Tools
Just like a carpenter or a motor mechanic or a dentist need their trade tools to be able to do an effective job, everyone using a pc or desktop and accessing the internet to perform their ‘trade’, also needs the correct tools. In today’s high pressure world where everything must happen at a fast and furious pace, handing tools that save time, are essential. Capture, Annotate and Share. One such convenient add-on is Awesome Screenshots. Originally designed for use in Google’s Chrome browser, but Firefox […]
Get the Most Out of Your Image Searches
Posted by Justin Atkins under Content
So you’re looking for the perfect image on Google, but don’t know how to make the most of your search? Well why not try using Google’s related images function at the top of the results! This will allow you to find the most relevant pictures related to the image search you are busy with. For example, if you search for the term Cape Town on image search it will show you loads of pictures of Table Mountain. But now you can use the related image […]