Work Smarter With This Nifty Screenshot Tool

Just like a carpenter or a motor mechanic or a dentist need their trade tools to be able to do an effective job, everyone using a pc or desktop and accessing the internet to perform their ‘trade’, also needs the correct tools.

In today’s high pressure world where everything must happen at a fast and furious pace, handing tools that save time, are essential.

Capture, Annotate and Share.

One such convenient add-on is Awesome Screenshots. Originally designed for use in Google’s Chrome browser, but Firefox and Safari versions are also available to download. This neat little tool is ideal for anything from setting up a how-to-guide for a customer, or training manuals for staff, or share webshots or reference portions of a web article etc.

Here’s How:

1. Install the app in Chrome Extensions menu or download from

Awesome Screenshot

2. See the new lens icon in your toolbar.

Awesome Screenshot - Capture

When you are on a webpage, click this icon which gives you the option to:

  • Capture Visible Part of Page
  • Capture Selected Area
  • Capture Entire Page

Choosing Capture Visible Part of Page will capture only what you can see on your screen in the browser.
Choosing Capture Selected Area will give you a section tool (‘+’) to drag and cut out the area you want to capture. Choosing Capture Entire Page will give you a Capturing Notification while the pages scrolls down.

Awesome Screenshot - Capturing

Once the capture is processed, which only takes a moment, a new tab opens with tools to annotate your screenshot.

Awesome Screenshot - Annotate

With this toolbar you can crop, add arrows, circle and even blur a section of the screenshot, just like in the example image above.

Click Done to continue…

Awesome Screenshot - Done Button

Once you have clicked the done button an options screen gives you different options of saving or copying the screenshot.

Awesome Screenshot - Edit & Save


To share the screenshot, one click uploads it to and you get a shareable link that can be shared via Twitter, Facebook, Email etc.

Awesome Screenshot - Share

At WSI Webmarketing our team always endeavours to work SMARTER everyday to give the best in the business of digital marketing to our clients. Utilising nifty tools such as Awesome Screenshots and many more, help us to do just that!

To find out how we can work smart to put your business on the map, CONTACT US NOW.

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